Bethel International Residential PU College.
About Pre University Education
Pre University education in Karnataka is a 2 year programme. It is equivalent to the XI and XII standards prevailing in CBSE / ISC and other state boards. The Department of Pre University offers courses in Science, Commerce & Arts streams.
Candidates who pass SSLC / ICSE / CBSE or equivalent examination shall be eligible for admission to the Pre University programme.

The Department of Pre University Education is an Independent department dealing with First year and Second year Pre University classes (11th and 12th standards). This is the distinctive feature of the State. All the colleges offering Pre University Education come under the control of Department of Pre University Education. Pre University Education is a link between Secondary Education and Higher Education including Professional and General Education.
First Year Pre University Annual Examination
- This is a district level examination conducted by a committee under the chairmanship of the concerned District Deputy Director of Pre University Education. A common time table is prepared and it is being held before SSLC examination
- The examinations are held in the respective colleges
- The valuations of answer scripts are held in the respective colleges under the chairmanship of the principals on the pattern of central valuation
- The results of the examination are prepared by the principal and announced in the college after getting the approval from the concerned Deputy Director
- Students who pass the district level examination are eligible for second year PUC
- Second Year Pre University Annual Examination - This is an all Karnataka Board Examination conducted by the Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka Board
PCMB - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology
PCMC - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science
2 years
SSLC / ICSE / CBSE or Equivalent
First Language - English
Second Language – Hindi / Kannada / Sanskrit