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Welcome to Bethel International Residential PU College
Pre University education in Karnataka is a 2 year programme. It is equivalent to the XI and XII standards prevailing in CBSE / ISC and other state boards. The Department of Pre University offers courses in Science, Commerce & Arts streams.
Candidates who pass SSLC / ICSE / CBSE or equivalent examination shall be eligible for admission to the Pre University programme.
The Department of Pre University Education is an Independent department dealing with First year and Second year Pre University classes (11th and 12th standards). This is the distinctive feature of the State. All the colleges offering Pre University Education come under the control of Department of Pre University Education. Pre University Education is a link between Secondary Education and Higher Education including Professional and General Education.
CEBA Stands for Computer Science, Economics, Business Studies & Accountancy.. This combination is chosen by students who wish to pursue careers in Commerce, particularly in fields such as Computer Science & Economics.
- Eligibility: SSLC / ICSE / CBSE or Equivalent.
- Duration: 2 years.
- Languages: First Language - English
Second Language – Hindi / Kannada / Sanskrit
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SCBA stands for Statistics, Computer Science, Economics, Business Studies & Accountancy. This combination is chosen by students who are interested in the fields of computer science and technology.
- Eligibility: SSLC / ICSE / CBSE or Equivalent.
- Duration: 2 years.
- Languages: First Language - English
Second Language – Hindi / Kannada / Sanskrit
Free Coaching
HEBA stands for History, Economics, Business Studies & Accountancy. This combination is chosen by students who are interested in the fields of History, Economics, Business Studies & Account Management.
- Eligibility: SSLC / ICSE / CBSE or Equivalent.
- Duration: 2 years.
- Languages: First Language - English
Second Language – Hindi / Kannada / Sanskrit
Free Coaching
CA Foundation, CS Foundation, CMA Foundation