BSc Optometry
BSc Optometry
B.Sc Optometry is an Undergraduate Program offered for Allied Health Sciences. Optometry is a health care profession which deals with the examination, diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases and disorders of the visual system. It is a vision care science.
One can also define it as the science of eye equipment (including lenses and spectacles) which is imbued with the idea of improving the vision of the human eye and remove all kinds of obstacles of sight which an individual may experience. This is a dynamic and challenging career, which allows one to help people, achieve personal growth, community respect, job flexibility and financial success and offers virtually unlimited opportunities.

The program is envisaged to develop a multipurpose ophthalmic manpower at paramedical level. The training will enable a student to become a competent person in providing service as an Optician, Optometrist, Refractionist and Ophthalmic Assistant to the community in urban, semi-urban and rural settings in private, semi-Governmental and Governmental sectors.
Scope and Career Options
- Assist ophthalmologists in hospital clinic
- Practice in optical establishments
- Run optical shop
- Have excellent job opportunities overseas.
- Offer clinical services to multinationals dealing, with the manufacturing and distribution of ophthalmic lenses, contact lenses and ophthalmic instruments.
- Start manufacturing unit for optical lenses.
- For those interested in higher studies can join for M.Sc and PhD programs and take up teaching Optometry as a carrier.
- An optometrist is a primary health care professional who is institutionally educated and clinically trained in the art and science of optometry. He is required to examine the eyes and the visual system, diagnose the visual problem, prescribe and provide remedial, corrective treatment.
- If any pathological condition is detected during the examination, the optometrist refers the patient to an ophthalmologist (ophthalmic surgeon) for medical therapy and/or surgical correction.
- Optometric practice does not only include the determination of the refractive status of the eyes, prescribing and dispensing of glasses, it has a wider scope than that. With the advance of technology, and newer products being introduced in quick succession, an optometrist is also required to upgrade his knowledge continuously. For an optometrist to be a thorough professional, his optometric education through the proper channels is very important.
*Admission will be strictly on merit and rights for admission will be reserved with the committee.
Optometry is an independent profession in eye care. Its practice includes a complete examination of the visual system required for the estimation of refractive errors. It also covers the Fitting, manufacturing and supplying of spectacles, contact lenses and all other optical aids.
“ Optometry is a health care profession that is autonomous, educated and regulated (licensed/registered), and optometrists are the primary health care practitioners of the eye and visual system who provide comprehensive eye and vision care, which includes refraction and dispensing,detection/diagnosis and management of disease in the eye, and the rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system. “ - World Council of Optometry