B.Sc Operation Theatre Technology
B.Sc Operation Theatre Technology
Eligibility for admission:
- A candidate seeking admission to the Bachelor of Science Degree Courses in the Allied Health Sciences course from Sl.No. 1 to 10 shall have studied English as one of the principal subject during the tenure of the course and for those seeking admission to the Bachelor of Science Degree Courses in the Allied Health Sciences courses from Sl.No. 1 to 8 mentioned above except for B.Sc. Imaging Technology and B.Sc. Radiotherapy Technology shall have passed:

- Two year Pre-University examination or equivalent as recognized by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences with, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as principle subjects of study. OR
- Pre-Degree course from a recognized University considered as equivalent by RGUHS, (Two years after ten years of schooling) with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as principal subjects of study. OR
- Any equivalent examination recognized by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore for the above purpose with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as principal subjects of study. OR
- The vocational higher secondary education course conducted by Vocational Higher Secondary Education, Government of Kerala with five subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English in addition to vocational subjects conducted is considered equivalent to plus TWO examinations of Government of Karnataka Pre University Course. OR
- Candidates with two years diploma from a recognized Government Board in a subject for which the candidate desires to enroll, in the respective Allied Health Sciences course mentioned in Sl. No. 1 to 10 shall have passed plus 12 [10+2] with Physics, Chemistry and Biology, as principal subjects or candidates with 3 years diploma from a recognized Government Board in a subject for which the candidate desires to enroll, in the respective Allied Health Sciences course mentioned in Sl. No. 1 to 10 should have studied Physics, Biology and Chemistry as principal subjects during the tenure of the course.
- Lateral entry to second year for allied health science courses for candidates who have passed diploma program from the Government Boards and recognized by RGUHS, fulfilling the conditions specified above under sl. No. 5 and these students are eligible to take admission on lateral entry system only in the same subject studied at diploma level from the academic year 2008-09 vide RGUHS Notification no. AUTH/AHS/317/2008-09 dated 01.08.2008.
- In case of admission to B.Sc. Imaging Technology or B.Sc. Radiotherapy Technology the candidate should have passed Pre-University or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics, as principal subjects of study.
a. The candidate shall have passed individually in each of the principal subjects.
b. Candidates who have completed diploma or vocational course through Correspondence shall not be eligible for any of the courses mentioned above.
Duration of the course:
Duration shall be for a period of three and half years including six months of Internship.
Medium of instruction:
The medium of instruction and examination shall be in English.
Scheme of examination:
There shall be three examinations one each at the end of 1 st , 2nd and 3rd year.
Every candidate should have attended at least 80% of the total number of classes conducted in an academic year from the date of commencement of the term to the last working day as notified by university in each of the subjects prescribed for that year separately in theory and practical. Only such candidates are eligible to appear for the university examinations in their first attempt. Special classes conducted for any purpose shall not be considered for the calculation of percentage of attendance for eligibility. A candidate lacking in prescribed percentage of attendance in any subjects either in theory or practical in the first appearance will not be eligible to appear for the University Examination in that subject.
Internal Assessment (IA) :
- Theory - 20 marks.
- Practical - 10 marks*. [Lab work- 06 marks and Record-04 marks ]
- There shall be a minimum of two periodical tests preferably one in each term in theory and practical of each subject in an academic year.
- The average marks of the two tests will be calculated and reduced to 20.
- The marks of IA shall be communicated to the University at least 15 days before the commencement of the University examination.
- The University shall have access to the records of such periodical tests.The marks of the internal assessment must be displayed on the notice board of the respective colleges with in a fortnight from the date test is held. If a candidate is absent for any one of the tests due to genuine and satisfactory reasons, such a candidate may be given a re-test within a fortnight.
* There shall be no University Practical Examination in First year.
Schedule of Examination:
The university shall conduct two examinations annually at an interval of not less than 4 to 6 months as notified by the university from time to time. A candidate who satisfies the requirement of attendance, progress and conduct as stipulated by the university shall be eligible to appear for the university examination. Certificate to that effect shall be produced from the Head of the institution along with the application for examination and the prescribed fee.
Scheme of Examination
There shall be three examinations, one each at the end of I, II and III year. The examination for both main and subsidiary subjects for all courses in Allied Health Sciencces shall be common in the first year.